Secrets of the Nougat
Classes are going well so far. The independent study class is great; definitely my favorite this quarter. After Effects has me working on a Cartoon Network holiday promo. In Type and Image, I'm making a brochure, poster and postcard series for the Kennedy Center in DC. And in Surrealist Writing and Design we really aren't sure what we're working on quite yet, but I think I'm going to somehow utilize treasure maps to promote the recently-created Americans For The Arts foundation. Some aspects of that class remind me of the time Tony Weeda and I were assigned a surrealist project in 11th grade English. We had to sketch a picture to illustrate a metaphor. Knowing we could stretch the meanings of just about anything, we randomly picked a T-Rex standing on a brick wall playing an acoustic guitar. Our teacher walked by, observed our paper, and said she loved our metaphor about the extinction of modern music...we just shook our heads silently in agreement.
Can't decide what I want to be for Halloween yet (Harry Potter is the default as usual). I was looking at a photo album the other day and remembering all the crazy things I dressed up as over the years. Batman, Superman, a pumpkin, a Crayola crayon, Mario, Link (from the Zelda video games), a Lion, a Lion Tamer, Yakko from the Animaniacs, and of course Indiana Jones. Our pumpkins always rocked because Dad was the master carver. He did this bearded sorcerer one year that was insane. Jujyfruits were my favorite candy, followed by Snickers and Three Musketeers. We always did the thing where you eat all the chocolate around the center of a Three Musketeers bar, leaving you with a pliable ball of nougat. Like every neighborhood, we had that one guy who handed out pennies. Then there was the family that refused to celebrate Halloween due to its devil-worshipping nature, because nothing says "I love Satan" quite like a five-year-old dressing up as Spiderman and getting free candy. But we also had some weirdo one year who handed out flyers about how "scary" the local government was with their regulations and restrictions. It said, and I'm not even kidding, stuff like "Are you scared of Mummies? No! Mummies aren't real...they can't tell you where you're allowed to plant a tree or build a deck." And on it went with Dracula and potholes.

Sunday, October 24 at 6:28 PM

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